Drug 65 · Tel Aviv, Israel
Dating Info
I'm looking for :
Looking for woman
Dating Goals
Romantic relationship
Long-term relationship
Marital Status:
Personal Info
Language Proficiency
Socioeconomic Status:
I have a high income
Attitude to Smoking:
I do not smoke at all
Psychological Portrait
For me, the most important thing in a partnership is:
Ability to trust a partner
Mutual understanding
Regular lovemaking
My preferences / favorite free time activities:
Traveling around the world
Learning new things
I prefer sports:
Skiing, snowboarding, skating
The best evening for me is:
Go to a good restaurant
Go shopping and update your wardrobe
Go to the fitness club
Read a book / newspaper / magazine
Have passionate sex
For me, the ideal date is:
Dinner in a cool restaurant
Relax in a luxury hotel
Have a great dinner together
Sex - what could be better?